Saturday, January 05, 2008


Last year my youngest son accompanied me to the Family History Library. On our way downtown I asked him if he had something to do while he waited for me to find documents to copy. He loves to be my assistant, but gets quite bored waiting for me to find information to copy. He didn't bring anything to do, so when stopped at a light, I handed him a notebook with his pedigree and recommended that he select a family to research. He choose Thomas Norton King who was married to Sarah Rebecca Copp. When we got to the FHL he began his research, while I worked on mine, starting with books in the county in which we knew the family had lived Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He was quite disappointed that he didn't find anything about the Kings, but he found a notation about the Copp family. Later in the week I used the clue he had found to locate a great number of Copp family members in the census and extend the Copp pedigree one generation. I kept thinking I should pursue this line, but haven't.

Today, while checking e-mail, I was invited to join a discussion board and found that another researcher had found the connection to the New York Copp family. This means that this line likely extends six or seven generations, right back to England! All because one bored son decided to check out a little family history. He still wants to find more on the King family....